Last updated
Last updated
Pool Name = NFT Collection and Deposit Currency
Position Details
Deposit Amount = total amount deposited
Current Value = current value of position based on deposit price
Current APR = current return on position
Projected Annual Earnings = annualized return based on current APR and position value
Loan Limit = maximum risk limit for position
Redemption Details
Open = position is currently open with no redemptions
Pending = all or part of the position is currently being redeemed
Available = all or part of redemption available to withdraw
Available = amount ready to withdraw
Pending = amount currently in redemption queue
Mint More = Deposit more into the same position
Request Redemption
LCT = amount of shares you want to redeem
Estimated Redemption Value = estimated value in deposit currency of LCT shares
Foregone interest = amount of interest being foregone due to the fact that pools are constantly rolling into new loans
Estimated Wait Time = estimated time until withdrawable is available, which can be shorter or longer depending on future value