Collateral Filters

Pools exist in a variety of configurations, primarily differing in the type of collateral filter used. The collateral filter is responsible for validating NFT collateral when originating a loan.

Currently, four basic collateral filters exist: the CollectionCollateralFilter for accepting an entire collection (all token IDs), the RangedCollectionCollateralFilter for accepting a range of token IDs within a collection, and the SetCollectionCollateralFilter for accepting a small set of token IDs within a collection, and the MerkleCollectionCollateralFilter for accepting a larger set of token IDs within a collection via a merkle proof. When a new Pool is created, it can configure one of these four variants of collateral filter to specify the NFT collateral allowed for lending.

Collateral may also be first wrapped by a supported Collateral Wrapper (e.g. for bundles). The collateral filter is applied to the enumerated elements of the wrapped collateral when originating a loan.

Collateral filters are implemented with the internal CollateralFilter abstract contract API.

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